
Assignment 3 One Light

Using the 250 watt halogen bulb in the equipment closet, make a portrait by selecting a quality and direction of light to communicate an emotion that you feel about a person. Make an additional portrait that reflects the opposite feeling you have about the person. Explain in writing the laws of light that were at work in each portrait.

Ranqingxia seems like quiet and elegant, and sometimes a little shy, so I use the light source on the left side and make her face bright. I shoot the photo while she's smiling.

This is my opposite impression of Ranqingxia. I use the light source right below her in order to create a sharp shadow on the body, and it seems she is curious about something.

Xiaoyi is pretty and friendly, and she is also straightforward, showing her emotions directly. So I shoot the photo while she is smiling delightedly, and it aim to show her good qualities.

This is quite opposite to that one. I use the light source behind her. She seems a little sad and depressive while staying in the dark.


Assignment 2 Demonstrate the 3 Laws of Light in One Photograph

In one photograph using one light source clearly demonstrate the 3 laws of light at work. Include the light source in the photograph. The subject is the light. Think of it as more of a physics project than a photograph. Use a dodging tool  to prevent the light from flaring the lens.  Try to crop out any rigging you might use and make the image about the light.


Assignment 1 Inverse Square Law

1. Using 3 identical 4x5 grey cards set 1 foot apart, overlapping slightly and placed at a 45 degree angle from the camera angle. Make 4 photographs of the cards with the light 2 feet, 4 feet, 8 feet, and 16 feet from the middle card. Use an incident meter on the middle card to give the correct exposure. The middle card should have the same value on each photograph.  Use Lightroom to weak the middle card until they all read the same value.

Demonstration Chart 

2 feet

4 feet

8 feet

16 feet

2. Use 3 4x5 cards a black card in front, a grey card in the middle and a white card in the back. Using the same single point source make all 3 cards appear to be the same value. You can move the cards and the light source until it works.

Black card at the front, grey card at the middle, white card at the rear.